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Dear Quota Team
I just started a new job at a company where I am the only salesperson. We handle everyday goods such as batteries for auto, marine, commercial, motorsport etc. along with mobile mechanic and roll-off services that I am responsible for selling, which should be pretty straightforward.
The problem is our brand is not well-known and our products are made overseas. Most of my potential customers prefer American-made batteries, and the American name brands are still able to beat our pricing. As I said, I'm the only salesperson, so I don't get to brainstorm or bounce around ideas and I don't seem to get much help from the team answering questions about pricing or delivery details. When I ask, my questions usually go unanswered. I do not get sit-downs to talk about all this and regroup. It feels like I don't have much support. What should I do?
Alone in Texas
Dear Alone,
One thing you can do is talk to existing customers. They decided to purchase your products, so find out what the selling point was that made them choose you over a competitor. You can use this in your sales pitch.
As the sole salesperson in your company, you should be able to get support from your boss, company leadership, the marketing department, etc. to help you do your job better. It sounds like you're getting almost no support and the company is a mess internally if they can't even equip you with timely answers on pricing and delivery details for potential orders you're looking to close. Talk to your boss, ask for more support, if you don't get it, it means they don't value you and it might be time to look for another job. Good luck!