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Dear Quota Team
I graduated from college two years ago with a business degree and landed an entry-level sales job. It's been going well so far. I'm a self-starter so I enjoy getting up every day and grinding knowing that my effort directly correlates to my income. However, I have higher aspirations. I really would like to move into a management position and envision myself 10 years from now in an executive leadership position.
I've been thinking about going back to school to get my MBA. All of the senior leadership people at my company have MBAs. I feel like this is the logical next step for me that will make me a candidate for a leadership position at my company or any other company I end up working at. I'm a first generation immigrant and the only one in my family who graduated college. My parents are really proud that I have an undergrad degree and are really pushing me to go for it and to apply to B schools and even said they'd help out covering some of the costs.
This seems like the right thing to do for my career and everyone around me is encouraging me. But I can't help but wonder, will having an MBA actually help me move up? Will employers even care about degrees 10 years from now? It's definitely an expensive investment and I'd have to juggle working full-time and learning at night. What should I do? Should I start applying or should I just keep my head down and keep working?
Unsure in Illinois
Dear Unsure
An MBA can help you break into management, but only marginally, and likely only at larger corporations. Startups and smaller firms are unlikely to care about your educational attainment and will be more focused on what you can do for the bottom line.
As to whether it’s the right move, the best advice we can give you is to think of the opportunity cost, and then consider your reasons for doing it. Sure, making your parents proud is a good thing, but it’s your life, and, like you said, college no longer has the same heft in the workplace it once did. Many major corporations have dropped their degree requirements, and many others are sure to follow.
So if you’re itching for a degree, looking to challenge yourself more than you already are, and don’t mind investing the money with the knowledge that you could likely advance just as far without it, then go for it. But if not, then stick with what you’re doing. Sales is still one of the best ways to make a whole lot of money without having to get an advanced degree. Good luck!