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Dear Quota Team
I've been selling for my company for 4 years now. It's a great job with flexible working hours as long as I hit my number. Last week, the VP of sales sent me a message and asked me to meet him in the CEO's office. When I got there, the VP and CEO started asking me questions about my sales manager. Did I like working for him? Did I think he was a good leader? Did I think the sales team respected him, etc.? It seemed like they were looking for a reason to let him go. I talked to two other reps I'm close with and they both said they had similar conversations. I really like my sales manager. He's been great, so I'm not sure why he might be on the chopping block. I feel like I should give him a heads up about what's going on, but I don't want it to backfire on me. What should I do?
Loyal in New York
Dear Loyal,
It makes sense that if you like and respect your manager, you want to give him a heads up so he can prepare himself. But if you let him know, it could come back to you and your job could also be at risk. You might want to weigh how much risk you want to take and how much loyalty you feel toward your manager as opposed to your company. Who knows, they might be asking these questions because they’re considering him for a promotion. You never know, so you're probably better off keeping your mouth shut. Good luck!