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Dear Quota Team
I'm in a bit of a tough spot right now. I got laid off 6 months ago. My cash reserves are getting low. I've been using my savings to pay my rent and it doesn't feel good. I've got about 2-3 months of runway left. I've been applying to jobs and have had a handful of interviews but I haven't gotten any offers. I finally got one last week. The pay is fine, about the same as I was making before. But I checked the Glassdoor and Repvue reviews for the company and it turns out it's not a great place to work and has pretty high turnover on the sales team specifically.
I'm thinking I should take the job anyway. I don't expect to stay there long-term, but I need the money. I plan to keep interviewing if I take the job. I feel like having a job will make it easier/make me more desirable as a candidate. Should I take the job or keep looking for a better opportunity?
Going Broke in Texas
Dear Going Broke,
While it sounds like the company has some red flags (based on reviews from past employees), it also sounds like you're in survival mode. Having a job will make you more marketable to potential employers. Our advice is to take the job and get some money coming in, and, if your concerns about the company turn out to be justified, keep interviewing. Go in with an open mind and give it your best effort. You’ll want to put up good numbers and hit your quota so you have something to show when you talk to other potential employers. Good luck!